Green Iguanas
The green Iguana (Iguana iguana) has a very wide range, from Central and South America, in Amazonian rainforests, to almost desert areas and the seaside.
An excellent climber and swimmer, it is very agile on the ground and takes refuge in deep burrows to protect itself from predators and excess heat.
Adult males can reach 1.50 m and weigh up to 5 kg; females are slightly smaller (1.20 m and 3 kg).
The green Iguanas present at Crocoparc were born on a breeding farm in El Salvador, where over 30,000 are raised each year, mostly for their skin and meat. Others are sold as pets.
Green Iguanas
Green Iguanas
The green Iguana (Iguana iguana) has a very wide range, from Central and South America, in Amazonian rainforests, to almost desert areas and the seaside.
An excellent climber and swimmer, it is very agile on the ground and takes refuge in deep burrows to protect itself from predators and excess heat.
Adult males can reach 1.50 m and weigh up to 5 kg; females are slightly smaller (1.20 m and 3 kg).
The green Iguanas present at Crocoparc were born on a breeding farm in El Salvador, where over 30,000 are raised each year, mostly for their skin and meat. Others are sold as pets.
A protective environment for green iguanas…
The green iguanas of the Cactus Garden of CROCOPARC AGADIR move freely on a surface of 3500m2 of embankment planted with large cacti and exotic trees. They are visible to the public, but remain inaccessible in order to protect them from the stress caused by visitors. They have deep burrows and three open-access pools.
The green iguana is almost entirely vegetarian. It feeds on grasses, leaves, flowers, fruits and sometimes finds proteins in insects and small prey.
More infos:
Class: Reptiles
Order: squamates
Suborder : saurians (lizards)
Famille : Iguanidae
Nom commun : green iguana
Nom scientifique : Iguana Iguana
The male Green Iguana shows interest in the female by nodding his head. If the female is receptive, courtship may begin and mating may occur. If he is not accepted, the male is hunted with violent blows of tails and bites.
The females will lay their eggs in a hole dug in the sand. Depending on the temperatures, the incubation can last from 65 to more than 90 days.
Come and admire them up close!…